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Nichiren Shoshu Ceremony

In Nichiren Shoshu, we can make progress and deepen our faith when we attend a variety of events. We can receive encouragement from our seniors in faith and likewise encourage fellow members. 


Nichiren Daishonin stated,

"Those resolved to seek the Way should all gather and listen to the contents of this letter."

(Gosho, p.484)


He also stated, "The long journey reveals the depth of one's faith."

(Gosho, p.689)


Ceremonies conducted at local temples express and reveal various profound aspects and concepts of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. By participating, we are deeply absorbing their influences.



Name of Ceremony

Jan. 1
Feb. 3
Feb. 7
Feb. 16
Vernal Equinox Day
Apr. 6-7
Apr. 28
May. 1
Jul. or Aug. 15
Sep. 12
Aug. 19
Autumnal Equinox Day
Nov. 15
Nov. 19-20
The Setsubun Ceremony
The Daigyo-e Ceremony
The Kanshi-e Ceremony
Shogonzan Myoshoji 莊嚴山 妙正寺

13579 Bentley Road, Surrey, BC, V3R 5B8

Phone: 604-580-3993       



Monday - Friday: 7am-7pm
Saturday: 9:30am - 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:30am - 3:00pm

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